Becoming aware of the things that no longer fit into your life can be a difficult task. The realization that something needs to change can give you the feeling of not wanting to do anything with it. The idea of going through all that b*llsh*t doesn’t make you feel good. Well, because who doesn’t want to just stay in his or her comfort zone. Doesn’t it feel nice? Not having to change for a better YOU?
Awareness is nothing more than discovering that something is wrong. A feeling that something is going against your will. This could be a situation at work or in your family or with your partner. You feel that you are being hit at a point where you react in an unpleasant way. You feel angry or sad and you will usually point to the person or situation as being to blame for your feelings. But if you don’t know why you feel this way, then you have no idea how to handle it further. The point that is touched somewhere deep inside you are also called triggers. Anger and negativity take over you and you start to feel very anxious and/or gloomy and you are likely to be rebellious towards the situation or person.
It is therefore important to become aware of your inner blockages. These points (blockages) can determine your life in such a way that you keep wondering why situations do not change in your life. The aim of awareness is to really get to know and understand yourself deeply. Insight into yourself is the basis of personal growth and transformation. It is also about what is going on deep within yourself. The more awareness you have, the more you will discover about yourself, other people, animals, nature and how it all fits together.
Through your awareness process you move back to wholeness and unity. This means that you become more sensitive, which means you will see connections everywhere. Awareness arises in the moment. In the here and now, which means that you spend as little time as possible in your thoughts and more attention in your body, or on what you are doing.
Awareness is the first step towards change…
Awareness is the first step towards change…the path to consciousness. The turning point in awareness is the moment you become aware of the influence that the subconscious has on your current situation, in combination with the will to change it.
Conscious basically means knowing. Consciousness or self-awareness is that you are aware of your own possibilities and abilities, but also of your impossibilities and inabilities or pitfalls. By being aware of your values, reactions and emotions, you can make better choices, direct your life and focus on personal growth. Strong self-awareness can also help you live a happier, healthier life.
Positive change can only happen when you become aware of your behavior, your thoughts and your emotions. Your consciousness has expanded. With increased awareness you see through patterns and unpleasant emotions. You only experience feelings for a very short time or they last. You put things into perspective very quickly. You recover more quickly from situations and no longer take everything into account yourself, you are more likely to see them from an objective perspective.
If you have been using a certain behavior for a long time, you are rarely aware of why you do it and what its effect is on others. This often happens on autopilot and you do not realize that it could be done differently. By seeing what you can replace the automatic behavior with, you can internalize your new knowledge and practice new behavior. In order to integrate the new in dealing with others and within situations.
Of course, this won’t happen without a fight. But you will notice that the new behavior feels more and more familiar. You will recognize situations in which this new behavior is a nice addition to your natural behavior. It becomes kind of second nature. Under normal circumstances, you choose the most appropriate behavior depending on the situation. However, in stressful situations you may automatically engage in your natural behavior.
Your Journey to Consciousness
My name is Wendy and I am open to supporting you in your consciousness process. For you, who needs to get to know yourself. And to find out, there is no other option than to embark on your journey towards awareness…
Your Journey to Consciousness symbolizes everything you experience in your life. During the journey, what is already present within you unfolds. It is a journey of discovery that leads to growth and self-knowledge. What needs attention right now in your life? Your Journey to Consciousness invites you to go within, to your inner world where it is pure, light, loving and your truth.
On Your Journey to Consciousness, you and I embark on the search for who you really are. It is a way of working in which you can be happy with who you are, even with the sides of yourself that you are ashamed of, that you would rather not show or have even hidden away. You will gain insights and experiences that help you realize that you are good just the way you are. From this realization, your essence, which has been repressed by upbringing, norms and rules of life, regains the space and playfulness it once had.
My working method is light-hearted, straightforward where possible, in-depth where possible. View situations from a different perspective. Don’t stay on autopilot and show courage to deviate from the beaten track. Your Journey to Consciousness invites you to take full responsibility for your life. I show you and experience that you are a unique person, with infinite capacity and limitless possibilities. I’m going to remind you that in essence you are already completely good and ready. You don’t have to become a nicer or better version of yourself!
However, you will only arrive at a new place when you break with your existing beliefs, rules and (pre)judgments and open yourself up to new experiences. Only through experience and feeling what it does to you can you learn to see that your existing beliefs are often not true. In the sense that they give you an illusion of safety and often do not help you, but rather hinder you…
That experience teaches you to see and feel a new truth.
It’s time to get started. Not to work on an even better version of yourself, but because of who you deeply are. And not about getting a problem-free life, but about finding the life that suits you.