The Owl is the totem animal for Sagittarius born people. Owls are birds with soft feathers and a short tail. They have a large head, a flat face with enormous eyes and a partly hidden curved beak. They are nocturnal and we want them to be able to be called the nocturnal counterparts of hawks and falcons. The church or tower owl is an effective and powerful totem. Owls are very caring for their young. For many, the owl is an ominous animal. This goes back to the time when everything was done to destroy what used to be sacred. In pre-Christian times the owl was associated with intellectual abilities and with wisdom and sacred science. He gold like a sacred bird. But just like their totem bird, Owls can behave haughtily and also flamboyantly. Owl people are attracted to esoteric subjects and secret things. The desire to disappear from sight, like the owl disappearing into the darkness of night, can take many forms. Sometimes the Owl is the hermit and at such times the Owl is in danger of being misunderstood and then hurting others as well as itself. The owl is connected to wisdom that is hidden, and to light that shines in the darkness, like the nocturnal Moon.
The totem plant for the owl and therefore for you as a Sagittarius is the mistletoe. The mistletoe is also called mistletoe. It is a strange plant, a semi-parasitic, evergreen shrub, which can grow on various trees, especially on apple trees, hawthorns and maples. It bears white fleshy berries that contain slimy seeds. The Indians regard mistletoe as a kind of tree snake and used it medicinally against cholera, convulsions and hysteria. The way a mistletoe winds itself around a tree has been likened to the tender embrace of a lover, while its shiny berries have been likened to semen. Hence its association with love and fertility. The Christmas custom of kissing each other under the mistletoe indicates that magical properties are attributed to this plant. Its real meaning is the continuation of life.
Your totem gemstone is the Obsidian according to Mother Earth astrology. Obsidian is also called Apache tear, it gives a sharp face, is volcanic glassy, sparkling and with a sharp edge. Owls should wear Obsidian, it protects you from harmful influences. And if you know an Owl person, the best way to deal with them is to be sure of your facts. Discuss things in detail with Owls. They are not easily persuaded, so a position must be watertight. By the way, never show that you doubt the Owl’s good intentions