If you are a Pisces according to Western astrology, your totem animal is the Wolf. It is the time in nature of the stormy winds. There is a lot of turbulence in the air, and the winds can change direction instantly. And they refresh the soil in preparation for a new spring. As a Fish you belong to the clan of frogs. It follows from your affinity with the element water that you have deep feelings and can attune to things on all levels. You do need to reach a certain level of maturity and wisdom to understand the feelings and deal with them adequately. Frogs are also more sensitive than most to the phases of the moon. They are still, like calm water, when the moon is new and dark, and swell with emotional energy when the moon is full.
The Wolf is one of the ancestors of our domestic dog, strong and muscular, with pointed ears and a thick, shaggy tail. Their color varies from white in the polar regions to brown to almost black. Wolves have a committed relationship with their partner and couples stay together for life. The Wolf was an animal highly regarded by the ancient tribes of Northern Europe. He was also a totem animal among the Celts. The American Indians associated the Wolf with mountains and high places and regarded it as a teacher and guide who showed the way to the sacred things. A close relative of the wolf is a coyote, the North American counterpart of the jackal. With its buffoonery and cunning, the coyote was considered a holy deceiver among some Indian peoples. Shamans sometimes do the same with their displays and surprise techniques. Wolves are intuitive and sensitive and have the need to clearly define their own territory. They can become very upset if they cross their boundaries without being asked.
The totem plant of the Fish is the Plantain. An insignificant plant, sometimes trampled by people, with enormous healing gifts. That sometimes resembles the martyr aspect of the fish. The Plantain was known among the American Indians for its versatile medicinal properties. The plant was used to dissolve mucus, especially catarrh, and for digestive disorders such as gastritis and enteritis. The fresh leaves were placed on insect bites and on cuts and ulcers. The root was a remedy for toothache. Just like your totem plant, you possess versatile gifts in the field of healing. Your manner is comforting and reassuring. And just like your totem plant, you must be well rooted in the earth to thrive.
Your totem stone is Jade. Jade has a green calming color. It is one of the toughest minerals and can withstand great pressure. It was very precious among the Indians and ancient peoples and was associated with clarity, wisdom, justice and loyalty. Jade works on the chakras and purifies. And Jade seems to promote old age. Jade emits soothing vibrations and dispels negativity. It is therefore an important stone to carry with you and have in your home.