Your totem animal is the salmon, which in Northern Europe was considered the king of fish. This magnificent fish can grow up to 1.5 meters in length and weigh up to 30 kilos. He is an accomplished navigator, who knows his way from the sea to his birth river and swims upstream to his spawning ground. On this trip he can jump over waterfalls up to 3 meters high. In ancient times he was associated with wisdom and purpose. The salmon is a totem blessed with longevity, so that they can learn to grow old with dignity. The salmon move so gracefully through the water that they hardly cause any waves. Mature born people should imitate their totem animal and learn to move through life without causing disturbance or commotion.
Your totem plant is the Raspberry, and your totem gemstone is the carnelian or carnelian. The raspberry is your totem plant if you are a Leo or Salmon according to antibiotic properties. The leaves can be used to make a mild and tasty herbal tea, which relieves nausea, especially in pregnant women, and also helps with menstrual problems. The tea also cleans the mucous membranes and normalizes blood sugar levels. Like their totem plant, salmon are often sought out by others for their enjoyable company. Like the raspberry, salmon can help others flush their problems out of their systems.
The carnelian is your totem mineral. The stone is flesh-colored or red and carnelian literally means flesh-colored. It is a stone of integrity and was often used among the Indians as a symbol of the power and beauty of Mother Earth. Carnelian stimulates and encourages action. It soothes anger and dispels the urge to argue. The color that corresponds to you as Salmon is red, and if you know other people who are Salmon or Leo, get to the point quickly. Salmons despise nonsense. Hear their point of view. It’s the only thing that matters to them. They absolutely hate being interrupted. Encourage salmon but not through flattery. If they suspect you are being insincere, you will quickly lose their respect.