These channeled energy messages will not resonate for everyone and is only a confirmation for some in the collective. Take what suits you at this moment, dont make it fit. Energy is fluid, so this message comes to you when you need it.
Send you all my love…
14-01-2025 What I see is that the DF and DM energies are aligning with each other. Something is shifting, meaning that you are starting to get balanced between your heart and mind and finding peace and harmony inside. You are so close having your emotional fullfillment and this makes it much easier for you to manifest. I see there is still a little bit of fear that has to be looked at. But you now know how to fill your own cup. Intuitive you feel what is right for you. Trust the unknown, you are more courageous and wiser than before. By working together with your two energies, the logic and heart, you can create a new path, filled with passion and love. Maybe you don’t know exactly which way you want to go, or something is still energetically tied to you that creates fear to step forward. You definitly want to move forward to emotional fullfillment. Take a step back when you are not sure, dive within and ask your higher self for an anwser, sign or insight. There is a strong alignment growing within, a new cycle ahead to plant your seeds to manifest the best outcome for you. Look out for signs and synchronicities (not the social media/tv signs), but the ones close to yourself, these will lead you to step forward.
13-01-2025 The Universe is asking you to surrender to the fact that something has to be left behind. There is still fear of letting go. There is no movement when you stay in a situation that is not for your best outcome. How painful it might be, you have to cut cords, mentally, fysically, emotionally and energetically. There is or will be a fresh new start offered to you, an offer from the heart. This mean it is possible that you shift jobs, or find a new one, a new stability suppporting you financially and emotionally. Or someone who can help you with the beginning of a fresh new start. You were or are surrounded by things that are still unsure or secrets not being revealed (yet). But this must not be the reason to stay stuck. You are in your strongest position now, you are ready to jump and find a way forward and make your dream happen. Slowly but surely you going to receive what you really desire in life. You fought for you independence and your fire is still burning, your heart still has the courage and power to move on and be victorious. Try not to be distracted by your surroundings to delay your path forward, it will give you sleepless night and your headspace will be cluttered again. Protect you energy for the things which don’t feel right. Only shine your light when you feel it is allright to do so.
12-01-2025 The Universe has it’s own divine timing in letting you know when you are ready for a new timeline. You first have to travel different paths so you learn your lessons. When it is time she will push you through the moment where you háve to make a drastic decision/change in your life. The Universe knows that you are now ready to take the responsibility of your own destiny. You have gained the knowledge and wisdom along the way and it is up to you to share this with the world now. The Universe had to put you through all of the chaos, otherwise you would not have moved into your purpose. Be grateful for all these lessons. You can be a teacher for others. Anything that has to do with sharing your knowledge you gained during your journey will make the world a better place. By supporting others on their journey they can also be commited to their growth and step into their authenticity. This way you create a ripple effect…..
12-01-2025 You are leaving an inner battle behind, a space where you don’t belong anymore. This old behaviour destroyed your overall wellbeing. Now you have to find the strength again to build it up from scratch. To overcome the hurt you have to step back and nurture yourself at this time and go within. It will not be an easy task but you will receive new insights of why this happend for you. You will get a total different perpective on what you thought was true. You are shifting from an old thinking into a new way of living. You will pass this with having patience. Don’t be hard on yourself during this transition. When you can surrender to the divine and trust why you have to go through this you will start to feel more at peace. From here on then things will happen you weren’t aware of before because of the distractions from the situation and trying to control it. Things are starting to close out, divine timing is at play. This is now the time to nurture yourself, give yourself the care and love to grow. You start aligning with yourself to find the happiness you are searching for, for a long time. Don’t let doubts trouble your vision. You had a rough time and this is now finally going to balance out.
11-01-2025 You are stepping into a week of going back and forth with your feelings and thoughts. This is because truths are starting to unreavel to get you ready to step into your timeline. You will receive small triggers this week to see if you are still taking care of and choosing for yourself, how much you see yourself as a worth while being. You are disconnecting more and more from negativity and your wisdom is becoming stronger. This will make you much more standing in your truth and light. This light is helping others because you are living your truth and by small things you say or do, others see that there is something they need to change within theirselves. You will, by choosing yourself, meet new people who are more in alignment with you. They will understand that healthy communication, harmony and equal sharing is an important part of a relationship, work-/romantic-/platonic related.
10-01-2025 There is a full moon in Cancer coming up the 13th of january. And this is a time to face your fears and trust the unknowns. Work with your spirit guides, angels and asked them for guidance. Because you are stepping into a magical experience which will bring you on the right path that brings in stability and emotional fullfillment. Focus on what you desire and your manifestations will come to for wishing. There is still some work to do, you’re almost there. You had an awakening and this has liften you up so much so you can move in a different direction. Still possible you have to get used to a new positive mental state and a peaceful and passionate heartspace. But that is going to be solved soon. During this transformation it is important to protect your energy and set clear boundaries. Don’t let confusion sneak in and throw you of your feet. Stay grounded. You are heading towards a new positive loving beginning in your life. You will start feeling more harmonious, balanced, abundant and peaceful after this full moon.
02-01-2025 There is communication coming in for you. This can be an offer to build your own life back up again. It may make you confused about what to do with this offer. You must not fear this because this offer comes from the heart and is moving you quickly forward and restores balance in your physical and emotional wellbeing. Use your skills you have learned along the way, so you don’t have to dread what is offered to you to create abundance in your material world. Your reality is shifting because you are coming out of your head. This change is created by yourself and from this point on you will find yourself is a much better position. You were overthinking to much and there was no clarity. You were occupied by a situation that wasn’t yours anymore. You took bold steps to walk out of it and this created space to think more clearly to what is important to you. A victory which will open new opportunity’s. Don’t hold yourself back to take the offer that is presented to you.
25-12-2024 You made a choice to step away from a situation you thought was giving you the future you had in mind. The transition you are in at the moment can be confusing. Pay attention to your dreams, because you will find clarity around this situation. Don’t try to hold on to the past, when you do you will step back into the darkness. You don’t belong there anymore. You are protected by someone’s energy, it is very clear, without any words, sending you back into your light. There is still some heavyness on your emotions you have to release. Also remind yourself that you don’t have to solve other people’s problems. Keep your energy to yourself, they will find their own solutions to their issues. For now be courages and stay grounded with a logic mind, change will happen, it only needs a bit more time before the new will be fully integrated. These signs can be significant to you: Campsite Mosquitos Clear river Vet Banknotes Police phonecall Orange steel doors Orange climbing poles/stairways
19-12-2024 You are healing from trauma and this is an intens and transformative process. Healing doesn’t mean forgetting or being completely unaffected by a trauma, but rather it’s about reclaiming your power and integrating the experience into your life in a way that no longer holds you back. Instead of seeing a trauma as a wound, you can view it as a catalyst for a new chapter in your life that is very helpful for your growth. The emotional charge of your trauma is getting less, you no longer feel triggered and you find your peace. You will no longer be controlled by the past. You are gaining a deeper understanding of the trauma and what it did to you. You can reflect easier on the experience without feeling overwhelmed. You are feeling more connected to yourself, physically and emotionally. Relationships with others will improve as you open up and trust more easily. You worked through deep pain(s), and now you are feeling much stronger and bold and more capable of handling life’s challenges. You are also developping a better emotional regulation and your healing brings a sense of newnes into your life to find meaning or purpose from your experience. You feel inspired to grow and pursue goals with greater clarity. Old patterns of fear, guilt or shame are fading and you are experiencing more joy and freedom in your everyday life.
16-12-2024 You are going through a new fase in life you chose yourself because you are done with keeping yourself back in a certain situation or multiple situations. You found your self-worth and by creating new boundaries you are now finally closing a karmic cycle which you carried with you for a very long time. Finally you showed strength and courage to make a decision for yourself. Because this decision is all new to you, you maybe question yourself how to maneuver on this new path. The Universe has your back, it asks you to trust this new beginning and let go of any control of the outcome. Use your intuition, it is telling you what is giving you energy and where energy is leaking. You will know! Pay attention to your dreams and signs from the Universe. Keep your feet on the ground, keep your emotions under control and let yourself go with the flow. This way you create space for new intentions for your future and new downloads to keep you on track.
05-12-2024 You are in a powerful energetic and spiritual shift and stepping in a totally different timeline, one that suits your new YOU much more. Because you have gone through a lot of heavy burdens, transformations and integration, you are now ready for a whole new life. During this period you are changing your perspective on things. Illusions of how things should be are in the past. Old patterns and behaviours, rejection, betrayal, heartbreaks have become a thing of the past. You are coming back in balance. Your thoughts and emotions are more under control what gives you space to feel more creative. New doors will open for you. Opportunity’s are coming your way. It is important to prepare yourself to receive your blessings with open arms. You are stepping into a new life with a new perspective, love, self-confidence and courage! Take the experience, knowledge and wisdom with you so that you can approach new obstacles in a different way and certainly continue to trust your intuition and the signs from the Universe. You have a deep knowledge that you are now choosing the right path that feels aligned and that what you want in life.
03-12-2024 A moment for positive intentions and immense change. The energies are fast and heavy. It is possible that you are feeling doubtfully and in a hurry to not miss out on the things you probably had in mind. This is because you are stepping out of an old cycle and the new that is already simmering for a while which is coming to the surface. You are stepping into a new timeline and this can feel like pressure. Overwhelming emotions of what to do and what steps to take for your highest good can be difficult in this moment. Take a step back and slow down. If you think you need to have everything in order for the end of the year, it’s not. Go within en let the outside pressure go, it will soften you to find your awnser(s) to make (new) positive intentions. Use your intuition to follow the signs and feel what is most aligned.
01-12-2024 The fertile void; the inner expansive state at the transition from your old self, the death of what was, to the rebirth of who you always were. The fertile void is a kind of in-between phase, something is brewing here, something new is growing. You are now in a powerful transition energy from the old to the new. What was, what will become. You now understand that your old self no longer works and you are leaving it behind. The memories of your old self are even already fading. You are now going through a beautiful transition to your new self, actually your deepest BEING, which you have always been, the LIGHT and the LOVE. This transition is a space that can be confusing, and yet you do feel clarity somewhere. It is possible that in this in-between phase you receive downloads through your dreams or just during the day and this can give you a tired feeling. This is because you are now integrating and processing the new information at soul level. It is precisely in this fertile void that it is important to take the rest (where possible) that you need. Give this beautiful transition time and you will notice that everything inside you is recovering. You feel very strongly that you want to move forward, to discover your new I/BEING. Curiosity is triggered to know. As soon as you have this feeling, you are no longer concerned with who you were. You have realized that your hard work is done and that you can now take a path that is finally in line with your true self. You are now in your fertile period and you will discover, see and experience the result of this. Stay close to yourself in this intermediate period of discovery and do not sit on it too much, because then you will create counter-pressure. Let the transition from old to new flow and trust yourself.
29-11-2024 You are in the energy of healing the heartspace. It is not an easy task when you are still holding on to old patterns. You have to try to let go of the blocks that are holding you back. The only way to do that is to take a step back, sit with your emotions and feel what it is trying to tell you. These emotions can have a massive grip on you, but it is neccessary to find the anwsers to make you more aware of why you do certain things or the way you behave in certain situations. When you experience a (heavy) setback, just let it overcome you. I know from experience that this is not always easy, it takes courage to go through it. You can even feel very ill and/or heavy mentally and emotionally drained. Have someone close to you when you are having this moment, someone who understands your spiritual situation. You need the support in these heavy energetic transitions. After this setback your heartspace will be more healed and you are gaining a different perspective on situations than you had before. The fear and anger is getting less. This gives you more confidence, peace and balance and it creates more space for your manifestations. You also learn to let things flow in a much better way so you can attract new energies.
29-11-2024 The energies are heavy at the moment and the reason for this is because of the Pluto in Aquarius transition that has started. You are shifting into a different timeline. The old is making space for the new. You are receiving new downloads and this can create ascension symptoms. You can experience a cold, the flu, migraine, tense feeling in the shoulders and neck area, pressure on ears, nausea, sore throat, high bloodpressure, heavy feeling on the chest or high breating, poor sleep. Keep your food light and drink more water. Go outside to connect with nature. Hug a tree or stand barefoot on the grass to release the heavy energy that is stacked up in your body. Listen to your body what it is telling you. It is important to rest and ground as much as possible. Change is coming. R.I.P. Benno, my beloved dog 27-12-2024
25-11-2024 There can be a niggling feeling surrounding you at the moment and it is trying to tell you something. Trust this energy because it is leading you to step up. You have learned from previous situations, choose yourself first before falling back in making a decision from a state of fear or old habits. Maybe you need to be courageous at the moment to make a bold decision towards your (new) goal. The love you put into yourself made you more confident then ever before and now is the time to spread your wings. The Universe is giving you the signs to step through this new portal. The blessings and opportunity’s are there for you on the other side. Because of your high love frequency you start to attract new energies in and this can be distracting. Don’t overthink these situations that are coming your way, feel the energy and choose if you want this in your new energy or not, without losing your grip towards your goal. Stay confident, respect yourself and enjoy your independence and authenticity.
24-11-2024 Let go of all situations in your life that no longer serve you positively. Let the ‘old’ leave your life and do not cling to situations out of fear. It is most important that you maintain a positive attitude and have high expectations for yourself and your future. Your thoughts create your experiences and you create your own realities. Ask your guides to help you maintain a positive outlook on things. Do not let negativity hinder or stop you. Your guides are always encouraging you and you are fully supported, surrounded and loved. Your guides ask you to maintain a positive attitude to continue to manifest positive energies and abundance into your life. Be open to receiving your well-deserved rewards and blessings.
24-11-2024 When your energetic body is starting to heal, your body can feel very sore and painful. Closing any (ancestral) life cycles can cause pain in the body because of the energetic shift. Especially for those who are aware of their psychic abilities. The old is not needed anymore so your body starts to heal into a more safe state. Probably you have always find yourself in a fight or flight mode or illness, and now because of the energetic shift your body needs rest. This is due to a choice you made or something you didn’t have control over, to end a cycle for ever. You are now reaching to a higher level of consciousness and with that your manifestation power is increasing or you will go towards a happier place. This can feel quite overwhelming, especially because there is an end of a lifelong cycle, death, at the same time you are entering a new phase in your life, rebirth. Give yourself the credit for this beautiful energetic shift inside of you. Take time to rest and connect with nature when possible. You will be on your way to a better, a much more fullfilled place.
09-11-2024 Your higher self is speaking loud to you at this moment. It is asking you to step out of your cave and do what it is telling you. You can find yourself now in turbulent waters because you are leveling up into a much higher light and this ask from you to step of the treadmill and take a break. The changes you are going through is not just for a day, week, month or season. It is a lifetime’s work. The cards show me a lot of water and mountains. This feels like heavily grounding and having control over your emotions. You see, the growth you are going through has a double mission. It is teaching you to stand stronger in your own light so that others can be energetically uplifted by you. But before this can happen, you have to be balanced and restful. I do see a lot of circles, so this is telling me that there are cycles closing for the better. All of these cycles are lighten up, shining bright. So this feels also like a lot of releasing, healing moon energy. You are going to figure out, with this full moon in Aries, how you can use both your light and dark side, the pure light healing part and how to use your dark shadowside as a catalyst to move forward. You must not forget that the dark shadowside of you is not always a bad thing when using it in a proper way. This is a gift you have and with good use and pure intentions you will always win. You will win confidence, communication, clarity, protection, gifts, love and passion.
08-11-2024 Take advantage of this new ignition that is taking place in your life at the moment. The flame that is burning inside of you is calling for a new creative venture. This is the confidence that you build for yourself or start building. This is the fuel to start planning your future and heart desires. It is also giving you a lot of new inspiration to take the next steps. I do know that deep inside you feel the urge for change. Because you are in a energy of new beginnings. The month november is going to give you the clarity and strength to go deeper to understand where you have been missing out all this time. Align with your inner guide, higher self and start to trust in yourself and be confident. This way you feel at home within yourself and your manifestations can finally take place. You have worked hard on building yourself up from heavy burdens, but this also taught you or is teaching you to trust your intuition. You are ready to take the steps into manifesting. You start to understand the process to manipulate the energies which are surrounding you to create abundance into your life. Take the advantage of the positive fiery energies so you can turn them into tangible matters.
07-11-2024 I feel that you don’t have any idea how much talented you are. When you feel stuck you forget that you posses the power to create your desires into your own reality. Because you feel comfortable by what you already know, you keep yourself flowing around in the same old structures. But what if you use your talents and wisdom from the past, then you will become a powerhouse. Your higher self is speaking loud to you when you are going to start to coöperate together and move on from these chaotic waters. You will be incredible surprised what you can achieve when you start to trust in your capability to move into a much higher vibration. This way you begin to attract people and places which will help you further on your journey. Accept the help, this makes you feel lighter, more confident and balanced and gives you peace so your choices will be more clear, precise and easier to make to start building. This is the moment to put more loving care into yourself to attract.