Just like your totem animal, the person born under the falcon is someone who likes to spread his wings. They too are hunters, but your prey often consists of a new idea, a new experience or new places to visit. And just like the falcon that can fly to great heights, people with this totem also do so with their high-minded ideals, although they can be easily distracted. Your totem plant is the dandelion, a perennial plant that is very common in North America and Europe on grasslands and uncultivated fields and along riverbanks. In cultivated areas, the plant is even considered something like a pest. Parts of the dandelion can be used medicinally. Root, leaves and flowers. The dandelion is also called fluffball, with their seeds being carried on the wind and growing almost wherever they land. Falcons are like their totem plant, they flow easily from one place to another, or from one idea to another, flying directly and spontaneously towards things. Falcons themselves can benefit in many ways from the calming and medicinal, as well as blood-purifying, properties of their totem plant, the dandelion. If you were born as a falcon in the time of Aries, then your totem gemstone is the Opal. The Opal formed in warm places with pressure, such as in caverns in volcanic rock or near hot springs. The stone is especially suitable if you are under emotional pressure or have to undergo a trial by fire! The Opal is therefore very suitable if you have to learn to control your emotions.