So the Crow is your totem animal if you are a Libra according to Western astrology. While farmers consider the bird a pest, with its “dirt processing” activity, in the Indians’ view, it embodied a balancing force in the natural order. The Crow was also considered by the Indians as a “Teacher Bird” because of its intelligence and ability to feel at ease anywhere. Like their totem, the Crow man is someone who is very loyal to the group or organization to which he belongs, and like the Crow, the Libra man is also someone who is always looking for the right balance, the Crow does this through changes in the atmosphere to sense and control with its wings.
The ivy is your totem plant if you are a Crow according to Mother Earth astrology. It is an evergreen plant that spirals upwards and thrives in the dark half of the year. It blooms from August to October and the small black berries ripen in winter, providing food for hungry birds. Medicinally, ivy was only used very carefully, in some treatments for the skin, because it is poisonous. Ivy is a symbol of rebirth and the fact that it remained green forever is of great significance to crows. She points out the need to be tough and persevere, especially in times of adversity or great change.
Your totem stone the Azurite. It is a stone with a soft, peaceful vibration, making it especially useful as a focus for meditation. Like azurite, Crows have a soft side to their nature and Crows should wear azurite as it helps them connect more deeply with the energies of Mother Earth and gain a clear understanding of their knowing. The stone is worn as a ring, preferably on the right hand, or on the body itself.