Goose is your totem animal according to Mother Earth astrology of the Indians, then you were born in the time of renewal, in the first phase of winter. People born under this sign are practical and ambitious. They like others, but these people can be reserved, because they feel very emotionally vulnerable if they are too open. They haven’t had the best experiences with this in the past, so it takes a while before you can gain their trust. Your totem stone is the Peridot, which is an igneous rock, also called chrysolite or olivine, and much better known by those names. It is a delicate green stone, with a glassy sheen. The American Indians regarded this stone as “heavenly radiation” turned into stone, coming directly from the sun’s power. As a stone of light, this stone was connected to clairvoyance on the one hand, a very strange quality in our thinking about the down-to-earth and practical Capricorn, and on the other hand clarity of mind, a very well-known quality of these people. The Peridot was also associated with the spiritual side and therefore provided discernment in the spiritual field. Perhaps that is why Capricorn does not take everything for granted, but is very serious on the spiritual path. Peridot has a calming influence especially if you place a stone in a headdress or wear it at the base of your throat, as they act directly on the chakras of the head.
The totem plant of the Goose or Capricorn is the Blackberry. The Blackberry is a perennial creeping plant, with slender branches covered with sharp thorns. The Indians use the roots and leaves medicinally as a remedy for diarrhea. Tea made from the dried leaves was used to treat enteritis and colic. People also chewed blackberry leaves against bleeding gums. The prickly thorns of the blackberry indicate both protection and suffering. Geese seem to experience both qualities more than average in their lives. They often encounter difficulties, but always seem to be protected against permanent damage. And furthermore, they themselves are protectors for everyone around them. The blackberries of the plant itself serve as inspiration, and this totem is therefore very much connected to being inspired and to the courage and perseverance needed to realize the aspirations you have. The goose was a favorite totem among the Celts: it also appears frequently in our fairy tales. The goose flying high in the sky, screaming as it follows its course across the midwinter sky, was formerly associated with the forces of the north, and with the act of purification and renewal.
Like their totem, Capricorns or Goose People have the ability to set long-term goals. Geese are perfectionists. Like their totem animal, they can sometimes nitpick and worry about relatively trivial matters. When they allow themselves to be depressed because they encounter an obstacle or because the realization of their dreams seems so far away, they can become deeply melancholic. In short, geese clearly have aspirations and far-reaching dreams, and among the Indians the goose was also considered a great dreamer. Dreaming in the sense of having long-term plans, wanting to realize dreams. Their biggest frustration lies in the fact that this is not happening fast enough. How can other people best deal with a goose? Stay down to earth and businesslike. And never disturb them when they are hard at work. Geese rarely respond when you appeal to their feelings and hate insincerity.