According to the Indians, your totem animal is the Otter. And the clan you basically belong to is the butterfly clan. In nature it is the time of cleansing. The Otter, which belongs to the mustelid family, feels at home both in water and on land. He is known for his enormous ability to have fun and for his playfulness. Because the Otter can also adopt postures that are unusual for animals, it is also considered a kind of mime artist. Just like their totem animal, people born under this sign are friendly, helpful, playful and decisive. With their great helpfulness, they often dedicate themselves to charitable causes. And they are also good at imitating others. A grumpy Otter is an Otter whose energies to help the world are blocked. Otters are great organizers in the animal kingdom and so is Aquarius in the human kingdom.
If you are an Otter according to Indian Mother Earth astrology, and therefore an Aquarius in our language, then your totem plant is the fern. always green, perennial and growing luxuriantly in shady places, in the woods and between the rocks. The Indians made an infusion from the rhizome to treat coughing and respiratory problems. And it served as a cleansing agent for washing external wounds. Like their totem plant, as an Otter you possess the ability to bend and adapt with the wind, although that does not make you any less tenacious. Your totem mineral is Turquoise, a soft sky-blue or green-blue stone. The Turquoise is an insight-promoting stone and every Otter should wear one to balance his or her state of mind. As a bracelet on the left wrist, Turquoises are healing, and in meditation they help to penetrate to the goal.