Your totem animal according to the American Indians is the Beaver. The Beaver is an amphibious rodent that can grow to almost 1 meter in length and weigh up to 38 kilos. Although it is a land animal, the Beaver is able to store oxygen and can stay underwater for up to fifteen minutes. With its agile front legs it can hold food and nibble it like a hamster.
Beavers are the architects and structural engineers of the animal world. They build and adapt the environment and thus ensure safety and comfort. With their sharp teeth they gnaw through trees and branches to obtain material for building their dams. Beavers are able to build dams of hundreds of meters in different layers with locks that regulate the water level in their ponds. With the help of these locks they maintain the same water level all year round. Just like your totem animal, as a Taurus you are someone who works continuously hard. You are constantly working on improving your home and your working environment with the aim of safety and satisfaction. Beavers are patient and also creative, and usually accomplish what they set their mind to. Because stability is so important to the Beaver, these people prefer long-term, stable relationships.
The totem plant of the Beaver or Bull is the red clover. Red clover is a perennial herb found in grasslands and was a totem plant among many North American Indian tribes. Red clover supplies the soil with nitrogen and provides bees with a rich source of nectar that produces delicious honey. In addition, red clover is grown as animal feed. The Indians used red clover medicinally, but this also occurred in European folk medicine. The plant was considered a remedy for constipation, which is a wonderful remedy for the stuckness and inability to let go that the Taurus principle sometimes struggles with. Red clover was also used to treat poor appetite. You can make tea from the petals, which stimulate the liver and gallbladder and has a calming effect on the astral and emotional body. The red clover therefore provides a lot of nutrition, just like the Beaver, and just like the Bull. The bloodstone is your totem mineral if you are a Taurus. This concerns the green variant with red spots, known as bloodstone or heliotrope. Heliotrope means: reflection of the sun, while green is the color of plants that aim upwards towards the sun. Heliotrope was therefore considered a stone that helps raise human consciousness to the level of the spiritual sun, and for this reason countless ancient peoples attributed various extrasensory properties to it. The red spots are caused by iron oxide and therefore make the stone a blood astringent.
The American Indians used the stone as protection against wounds and insect bites, and to staunch nosebleeds and bleeding cuts. And worn on the navel, it had a medicinal effect on stomach and intestinal disorders. By moving the stone up the spine in a circular motion, one also stimulated the power centers of the energy body and the chakras. The slow, subtle vibrations were absorbed by the chakras and brought them into harmony with each other. The stone also brings things into alignment. You can also place a container of water in the sunlight with such a bloodstone in it for 2 days. The water then absorbs the vibrations and you can prepare a tonic to balance the subtle energies in your body. And so the bloodstone provides harmony and peace in the system, the same thing a bull is looking for.