Totem animals “Spirit Animals”, also called power animals or medicine animals, date from the time of the Indians. Each animal has certain properties that give you strength or that carry a message. See the animals as a guide through life. Just like guardian angels, they want to help you learn certain life lessons. In addition to the totem animal that you receive at birth, which in my case is the snake, you will have to deal with several totem animals in your life. These other power animals come along when you need them to give you insights. Below you see the constellations with their totem animals. So you have been given this from birth.
- Aries & Falcon
- Aquarius & Otter
- Pisces & Wolf
- Taurus & Beaver
- Gemini & Deer
- Cancer & Woodpecker
- Leo & Salmon
- Virgo & Bear
- Libra & Crow
- Scorpion & Snake
- Sagittarius & Owl
- Capricorn & Snow Goose
friendly, independent, unconventional, courageous, resourceful, alert, tactless, headstrong
benevolent, magnanimous, gentle, sensitive, sympathetic, creative, intuitive, not very practical
Snow Goose:
reliable, careful, ambitious, persistent, sociable, efficient, pessimistic, demanding of others
active, inquisitive, adventurous, powerful, patience, perseverance, intolerant, selfish
resourceful, works methodically, determined, businesslike, perseverance, adaptability, stubborn
alert, friendly, intellectual, humor, good concentration, sympathetic, changing moods, restlessness
emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, protective, imaginative, tender, intuitive, forgiving, mood swings, self-pity
proud, energetic, enthusiastic, magnanimous, tolerant, just, creative, arrogant, dominant
Brown bear:
practical, tolerant, optimistic, modest, punctual, lazy, fussy, skeptical
charming, friendly, idealistic, romantic, diplomatic, tolerant, impartial, gullible, insecure, indecisive
intense, secretive, ambitious, determined, stubborn, jealous, suspicious, creative, adaptable
jovial, adventurous, independent, versatile, enthusiastic, optimistic, warm personality, fierce, tactless, exaggerated