3 Stages of Scorpio

Wendy Senang Drie Stadia van Schorpioen; De Schorpioen, De Adelaar & De Feniks

The Scorpion, The Eagle and The Phoenix

Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto and is the 8th sign in the zodiac. Scorpio is represented by several symbols. The most powerful symbols are The Scorpion, The Eagle and The Phoenix. These three totem symbols represent the three stages of Scorpio undergoing transformation during its spiritual journey. Through peace of mind he attains spiritual enlightenment. However, to induce the calmness necessary to reach higher levels of consciousness, Scorpio must be in control of his emotions.

The First Phase: The Scorpion

Scorpio, the first stage of transformation, represents his lower emotions. The dark emotions he embraces. Low vibrational impulses tempt Scorpio because he constantly reacts without understanding, empathy or thought. Scorpio easily expresses jealousy and anger. If these traits are easily recognizable in a Scorpio, be aware that his perception is limited by the control his emotions have over him.

Another source of frustration stems from hidden motives. He struggles to achieve something or he struggles to get started. The Scorpio represents Scorpio in its rawest form. This is Scorpio at its most destructive and intimidating behavior. The Scorpio is starting to have problems. But because he is highly protective of himself, ego and pride will retaliate to make it seem like Scorpio is the instigator. Scorpio at this stage learns from personal experiences and the pain of loss and betrayal.

Scorpio will take the advice of others with a grain of salt. He goes his own way with deliberation, determination and stubbornness. This is also the stage where Scorpio is more likely to indulge in addictions or activities that ease the mind. Which also makes him prone to unhealthy habits in an attempt to reduce the anxiety and emotional impulses in the brain. The Scorpio ultimately realizes that spiritual enlightenment, personal awareness and growth is the best way to bring peace to the body and mind. This renewed awareness ultimately leads to the next transformation phase. The Eagle.

The Second Phase: The Eagle

The Eagle is the second stage of transformation and is considered a symbol of courage and strength. The Eagle flies freely, aware of its surroundings and influences. Scorpio has reached a state of maturity and is in a state where he relies heavily on intuition and wisdom. This allows him to solve personal problems and those of others.

Where The Scorpio was mainly concerned with the physical aspect of life, The Eagle is concerned with perception, philosophy and wisdom. His keen powers of observation combined with his powerful intuition allow him to distinguish a person quite quickly. He will influence them positively or negatively with his personality. However, the Eagle may still struggle with balancing the power of insight. Does The Eagle choose to influence the Self or the whole?

The Third Phase: The Phoenix

The Phoenix represents the final stage of transformation for Scorpio. As he moves through Scorpio’s various phases of power, Scorpio continues to struggle with balance. Will Scorpio manipulate things to be the way he wants? The extremely grounded Scorpio is tempered, reborn from the ashes, renewed and rejuvenated like the Phoenix. He has represented the capacity for empathic observation without judgment, thus an extension of compassion and disillusionment of the self.

The Phoenix which is strongly associated with rebirth, resurrection and transformation is a symbol that represents Scorpio. Who breaks the chains of attachment and has learned the lesson of letting go.