Becoming aware of the things that no longer fit into your life can be a difficult task. The realization that something needs to change can give you the feeling of not wanting to do anything with it. The idea of going through all that b*llsh*t doesn’t make you feel good. Well, because who doesn’t want Read more…
Jaar: 2023
The Twin Flame Process is an Awakening Process
I am a straight forward energetic/intuitive counselor and tarot reader and since 2019 I have had to struggle myself through the twin flame process. Through readings, energetic healing, massages, acupuncture treatments and meditations, I have received many insights into how to go through this process as best as possible. I would like to share the Read more…
Insecurity means you doubt yourself. You start to think too much and you are tense. If this uncertainty persists, it can lead to a lack of self-confidence and serious problems in various areas of your life. When you have been through a traumatic experience, this automatically gets into your system. This can eventually manifest itself Read more…
Special what Dreams want to Tell me
…because there is often a deeper purpose behind it. Sometimes I have dreams where I wake up laughing. And there are also dreams that wake me up sad in the middle of the night or in the morning.Every dream has some information that I can use. Or it wants to make something clear to me. Read more…
The String of Life
Last Saturday my partner and I had a wonderful time with the canoe. We arrived home very tired but satisfied. We both plopped down on the couch and immediately fell asleep. After my afternoon nap on Sunday afternoon, because we were still quite tired from the previous day, I got out of bed with a Read more…
Just with the Flow of Life!
Just with the flow of life! In the here and now! If you look around you at how nature develops every season, you actually go along with this energy. Just because we have strayed so far from our natural instincts, we live on autopilot and many of us cannot or do not want to connect Read more…
The Importance of Self-Love
For many people, the concept of the importance of self-love is an exaggerated theory and they often ignore it. People strive to be perfect and perfectionism is considered a greater asset or trait than self-love. When we talk about self-love, it’s easy to imagine someone reading self-help books or hugging a tree; but self-love is Read more…