Just with the Flow of Life!

Wendy Senang Just with the Flow of Life!

Just with the flow of life! In the here and now! If you look around you at how nature develops every season, you actually go along with this energy. Just because we have strayed so far from our natural instincts, we live on autopilot and many of us cannot or do not want to connect with the energy of nature. Because the outside world asks you to ‘must’. But what does your soul ask you? As soon as you no longer allow yourself to be carried by old pains and imposed conditioning and things that you need from the outside world, you can also go with the flow of nature. You can do this too as a human being. If you are aware of your authentic self, you too can live to go along with the energy of the changing of the seasons from flow. Just pay attention to the birds and other animals that are now busy building their nests. Building a stable environment for their offspring, protection against external (weather) influences to ensure their future and abundance.

We are now in the time of rest and retreat and recharge for the new. The new beginning is here and if all goes well you have laid down new intentions or an idea, planted new seeds. You get energy again to want to change or do something. And what you sow will soon blossom and grow. Your idea will then take shape. You can build on this and continue your growth or put down an idea and make it concrete on the earthly level. Your transformation or idea will then get off the ground from that moment on. Then it is time to rest again after the hard work you have done. Just as nature is preparing for winter again, feeding itself from the leaf on its branch, you can also take care of yourself again, take your space and rest. This is important to gain new insights and how you will go about things in order to give your growth or idea even more strength.

The old makes way for the new. You take the old with you as a lesson in your new adjustments that will be made within your growth or idea. And so the wheel continues to turn and you or your idea continues to grow by sowing and reaping again and again.

It is therefore important that you try to get into the energy of Mother Nature and take your growth or idea as the animals and plants in turn allow themselves to be carried away by nature. Just with the flow of life! In the here and now!
