There is a lot of talk about raising your vibration in the spiritual community, but there is a lot of confusion about what exactly it means and how to do it. What exactly is our vibration? How do we find out which vibration we are on? How do we shift this on purpose? The information on this topic is usually quite vague and while that may serve a purpose, today I want to bring you some specific visualizations on how you can consciously change your vibration.
Our Vibration is like our Inner Compass
The world around us is the waves. When our vibration is consistently low, the world around us becomes heavy and gloomy. Whereas when our vibration is consistently high, the world around us becomes light and uplifting. Look around you, what do you see? Is the world a cold, dark and hopeless place? Or do you see opportunities and warmth everywhere? Now look at your consistent relationships, what do you see here? Do you feel isolated, misunderstood and cynical? Or do you find friends everywhere?
Everyone looks at the world from a unique perspective. Even when the circumstances and external environment are exactly the same, one person may see it as an opportunity and another as a curse. This is our vibration. Our consistent emotions, thoughts and patterns form the filter through which we view the world. So when someone is consistently in a low frequency energy, such as anger, sadness, jealousy, the world around them reflects this.
When we raise our vibration, we essentially shift this filter to one that sees more opportunities for growth, love, and success. When we are consistently in a higher vibration, the way we see the world changes as well. We open ourselves up to more perspectives, more flow and more opportunities. Remember that the words high and low are merely descriptive. There is nothing wrong with a lower vibration and a higher vibration does not make you better than anyone else. When we judge our emotions in this way or place them in a hierarchy, and we become absorbed in them instead of being aware of them.
Tune into your own Energy
What I want you to do is get into a comfortable sitting or lying position. Take a few minutes to focus on your breathing. Once your mind has calmed down a bit, start noticing how you FEEL. Notice whether your body is tense or relaxed, whether your thoughts are racing or flowing peacefully.
Now tune in to the most prominent emotion you are feeling right now. It doesn’t matter whether this is a positive or negative emotion. It’s about just becoming aware of it. Notice how this emotion feels in your body. Is the emotion heavy or light? Does it envelop your entire body or does it feel isolated in one area? Try to describe this emotion in as much detail as possible. Assign a color, texture, size, and weight to this emotion.
You may want to record these descriptions in a journal. Creating an inner language like this will be helpful later when you want to work more diligently with your energy.
Releasing Low Vibrational Energy
When you feel low vibrations such as sadness, anger, fear, you want to begin the process of letting them flow out of your body. Sit with the emotion for as long as you need. Find out what events, people or places the emotion is associated with. See what stories your mind has created to justify that emotion. This part is so important! Instead of bypassing or ignoring our emotions, we need to give them room to breathe. We must give them the opportunity to speak and tell us why they are there. Otherwise, they will only emerge later in more insidious forms.
By referring back to the description you previously gave of this emotion, you can begin to let go of it. Maybe it has a heaviness, isolate where the emotion is in your body and feel it getting lighter and lighter until it dissolves. Maybe it feels like it’s flooding your whole body, you feel the emotions getting smaller and smaller until it’s just a pinprick, and then let it go. Adjust this visualization technique depending on how the emotion feels, and let your intuition lead the way.
Raise your Vibration
On the other hand, you may feel bliss, joy, gratitude, or love. With these high vibration emotions, do the same and describe them in detail. Tune in further to this emotion and visualize/feel it spreading throughout your body. Then start imagining yourself as a magnet. As the emotion spreads through your body, imagine your magnetism intensifying. As you do this, you attract things that resonate with that emotion. When you feel joy, you attract happy people, places, and experiences into your field.
This technique works because we have a physical body but also an energy body that functions like a magnet. When we are in a low vibration, our energy body attracts more low vibrational things into our field, which eventually materialize physically. Likewise, when we experience high vibrational emotions, our energy body attracts more high vibrational things into our field. This liberating and magnetizing exercise helps you become aware of this and shift your energy accordingly.
Manifesting and Vibrational Frequency
You may be wondering: why is this important, why is it worth doing?
When we hear people talk about raising our vibration, it can sound vague and wishy-washy. We raise our vibration and then what? By tuning into our energy we are able to better understand and meet our own needs. Many people are completely unaware or confused about how to approach their emotions. So by creating a language around them, you can understand them better.
Being able to consciously release, strengthen and shift our internal emotional state is also crucial to manifestation. When we rely solely on our external environment for how we feel, we become like a yo-yo. Riding an uncontrollable rollercoaster of emotions.
Regulate your Emotions
Instead, when we are able to regulate our emotions, we can sustain high emotions longer and release lower vibrational emotions more quickly. Manifesting requires that we maintain a constant vibration so that what we want to attract has enough time to materialize. Being able to attract bliss, peace and relaxation into our bodies allows us to manifest from within. Even if the outside looks gloomy.
Working with our emotions in this way also means that we can consciously calm our nervous system on a physical level. Most of us are in a constant state of fight or flight – our bodies are always tense and heavy. When we’re locked in this fight or flight state, shifting our thoughts isn’t enough. We need to dig deep into our emotions and release the density we feel.
Once we do this, not only does our physical body relax, but our energy body can come back ‘online’. They are closely linked. Our energy is no longer focused on this protective mechanism, but can flow freely to manifest our desires in physical form.