…because there is often a deeper purpose behind it. Sometimes I have dreams where I wake up laughing. And there are also dreams that wake me up sad in the middle of the night or in the morning.Every dream has some information that I can use. Or it wants to make something clear to me. Read more…
Auteur: Wendy Senang
The String of Life
Last Saturday my partner and I had a wonderful time with the canoe. We arrived home very tired but satisfied. We both plopped down on the couch and immediately fell asleep. After my afternoon nap on Sunday afternoon, because we were still quite tired from the previous day, I got out of bed with a Read more…
Just with the Flow of Life!
Just with the flow of life! In het hier en nu! Als je zo om je heen kijkt hoe de natuur zich elk seizoen weer ontwikkeld, zo ga jij eigenlijk ook mee in deze energie. Alleen omdat wij zo ver zijn afgedwaald van onze natuurlijke instincten, leven wij op automatische piloot en kunnen of willen Read more…
The Importance of Self-Love
For many people, the concept of the importance of self-love is an exaggerated theory and they often ignore it. People strive to be perfect and perfectionism is considered a greater asset or trait than self-love. When we talk about self-love, it’s easy to imagine someone reading self-help books or hugging a tree; but self-love is Read more…
What stands for Divine Masculine en Divine Feminine?
Divine Masculine (DM) and Divine Feminine (DF) energy exists in all things, including humans. Not to be confused with the physical masculine versus feminine, divine feminine and masculine energies are accessible to all of us, and part of the spiritual path is to bring them into a state of balance. Everyone has access to both Read more…
Self-care, Protect your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Health
Self-care is a series of activities you perform to protect your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It’s about taking care of yourself. Do things that improve your mood and relieve anxiety, and maintain optimal well-being. True health and well-being are much more than the absence of injury, disease or infirmity. Rather, it is a Read more…
How to Consciously change your Vibration
There is a lot of talk about raising your vibration in the spiritual community, but there is a lot of confusion about what exactly it means and how to do it. What exactly is our vibration? How do we find out which vibration we are on? How do we shift this on purpose? The information Read more…