Special what Dreams want to Tell me

Wendy Senang Bijzonder wat Dromen mij willen Vertellen

…because there is often a deeper purpose behind it. Sometimes I have dreams where I wake up laughing. And there are also dreams that wake me up sad in the middle of the night or in the morning.
Every dream has some information that I can use. Or it wants to make something clear to me. It is very special what dreams want to tell me…

For example, I recently dreamed about aggressive wolves, from which I could conclude that I was stuck in my comfort zone. I felt the emotions that arose. And through the insight that came in later and by trusting my intuition, I came to a conclusion. That meant stepping out of my comfort zone and relying on my knowledge and qualities. So then I immediately accelerated and took action towards what I wanted to achieve.

So through dreams you always receive information that you can use to take further steps in your life. Or where, when you are further along in your spiritual growth, you yourself come to an awakening of the ancestral line. And that happened to me last night…the ancestral line.

It has not been the easiest path for me to be the designated person to break this DNA strand of ancestors. To ‘solve’ the ‘ancestor misery’, so to speak.

So last night I had two dreams with roughly the same theme:

Rediscover the connection with myself and stop trying to continue in or with certain situations/people. It kept me busy all day and I didn’t really know how to best express this.

It was quite an intense sadness, it went deep through my soul. But I have now discovered that I have been able to break the ‘family curse’ (that’s what I call it). The painful family lineage of the women in the family ends with me from today. I can now continue my life free from this maternal line based on love, respect, warmth, empathy and compassion.

The freedom of soul that I have felt inside for some time now is starting to become stronger. Only it doesn’t quite go together with what my ego wants. My ego is looking for a passage to bring me back to that piece. She tries to persuade me to step back into the past, comfort zone, fears, sadness, fear of abandonment, fear of commitment.

But I feel deep inside that my beautiful soul will overcome this. My soul no longer wants these restrictions. It is already integrating. I know that I now have to stand in my strength and be courageous. Because I am not only here for myself, also for my children and many others on this planet.

So it is very special what dreams want to tell me. They go very deep for me as you read and they are very clear messages. I trust the guidance of the Universe and I trust the path I walk.

If you knew you would be supported by dreams, the Universe, Spirit, your angels. What would you do then?