My day started off a bit messy, I wanted to do it my way, but Spirit had other plans for me!
I had made a plan for myself of what I wanted to do today. But first I had to take the dog for a walk, Spirit said. As I walked upstairs to put on socks, I read the word ‘walking’ on a piece of paper from my son’s school…OK! Walking it is!
But before I was allowed out the door I had to scribble something down on a piece of paper, otherwise this story would not have come about at all. Since I find it difficult to write down a story of what I have experienced, I had to make these notes. Today I got a lot of insights at the same time…do, do, do! trust, trust, trust!
It was lovely outside, despite the local showers. I like stormy weather and it tied in nicely with the ceremony and dedication of Maria Sakapana that I did in recent days.
During the ceremony you use sage or palo santo, you light it and the smoke is then blown into the wind. After some other actions, take a feather in each hand. With this you invoke the energy of Maria Sakapana and the 4 directions. You can also create wind with these feathers!
Then run your feathers along your head, neck and shoulders. You do this so that this area can open up properly. And then you let it storm inside!
Well, so Spirit literally allowed me to experience this during a walk, storm!
During the walk I found some beautiful khuyas. I also asked for a nice heart-shaped stone, but I found one that I immediately felt on my chest. Not a heart shape, but one that fell into place. I already had one for this chakra, but this was my new khuya. This is connected to Nusta Dona Teresa, heart chakra.
We are also in the energy of expressing, speaking, communicating. So that’s why Spirit is pushing me to start sharing my stories now (with YouTube in the future, I hear ;))
So now I’m writing this story! Yes, Spirit does lead me in paths like that 🙂 Like this arrow led me to my beautiful khuyas.
Then I am going to do a twin soul reading for one of my members in the group. And then I have already done some preparations for Avalon’s next assignment. Decorating my Inca altar….More about this soon….