6 Ways to Recognize and Remove Negative Energy


The world around us is the waves. When our vibration is consistently low, the world around us becomes heavy and gloomy. Whereas when our vibration is consistently high, the world around us becomes light and uplifting. Here I explain 6 Ways to Recognize and Remove Negative Energy.

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The energy that composes you is the same energy that composes trees, mountains and the chair you sit on. Our body constantly radiates our energy aura that extends many meters from the body. In the same way, we also absorb the energy radiated by the people around us.

This energy exchanges information with everything it comes into contact with and helps us connect to a cosmic height. Any thought, action or intention that evokes negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, sadness, envy reaction in us can be considered a source of negative energy.

Likewise, anything that evokes positive responses, such as love, happiness, joy and contentment, can be considered positive energy.

An individual’s well-being and vitality are highly dependent on the type of energy they absorb and transmit through exchanges.